Maybe there will be a trade show for fossils on November 28th, 2020.
It will soon be seen whether an fossils event of this kind is even feasible this year. And whether such a fossil collector show makes sense at all remains to be seen. As we observe the current development of the Pandemic. Nevertheless, public events such as conferences and smaller trade fairs as well as flea markets are possible in Baden Württemberg under certain conditions. Further easing of regulations is almost certain not to be expected by the end of October. We cannot expect a return to normal life any time soon.

A possible Show for Fossils on 28.11.2020.
At the moment we are carefully and cautiously examining the requirements for a fossil show on November 28th this year together with the team of Filderhalle.
We do not want to spread excessive optimism at this point.
At this time we are only trying to develop a workable and sustainable concept. Another aspect is the financial representability of such a event for fossils. It just makes little sense to plan such an event without significantly reducing the costs for everyone involved. Limitations are defiantly to be expected by us. All of these requirements are special challenges for our planning.
The situation is still as dynamic as it was at the beginning of this year.
Therefore we only have an idea and a date for you at the moment.
We will keep you here informed about the current development of the Fossilshow.
Petition for better laws on palaeontological Objects (Fossils) on
Here is a other topic that should matter to all friends of fossils.

We would be delighted if you visit and may draw the proposal to improve the palaeontological objects protection legislation in North Rhine-Westphalia. This topic is impotent for all of us. So please take just 5 minutes of your time to give your support in this matter. You may just use a on-line translation tool.
The deadline was the 15.09.2020